Masanori Hanada
School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Research Interests
(Theoretical) Physics and related subjects, including
Classical and Quantum simulations/computations.
QFT, matrix model, and string theory.
QCD, lattice gauge theory, and nuclear physics.
What are happening in deep neural networks?
What are happening in kid's brain?
Anything radically new and/or interesting.
Full lists of publications and talks (modulo some delays due to my laziness) can be found here. See also, iNSPIRE, or Google Scholar.
I wrote a textbook "MCMC from scratch" with So Matsuura. The Japanese version and the English version are published by Kodansha and Springer, respectively. Sample programs can be found here.
Some simulation codes can be found at my GitHub account.
Useful links
I was born in Yokohama and attended a high school in Tokyo and a university in Kyoto. My family name is common in my father's hometown. (My father's hometown was the secondary target of Little Boy and the primary target of Fat Man. May peace prevail.)
In baseball, I support Dragons. (As for MLB, I am pretty much neutral. Maybe slightly prefer Mariners.) In WBC, I root for United States and Japan.
If you are interested in association football, I recommend Marinos or Arsenal. In international competitions, I support the United States and Japan, and unless they compete with these two countries, England.
In London, you might be able to find me in Chinatown.
If you want to get a Ph.D. or postdoc position in theoretical physics, I highly recommend Yukawa Institute and Weizmann Institute based on my experience. Or work with me in London.